A mouldboard plough comprises a mouldboard which is a curved plate that functions in the cutting, lifting, and turning of the soil upside down for achieving primary tillage. This farm implement is exclusively used in those areas where there is expected rainfall or in canal irrigated areas. A mouldboard plough is also known as a turn plough. By means of turning the soil upside down, the roots of the plants can take up essential nutrients which were otherwise hidden in the depths of the soil. For the farmers of Tanzania, this type of farm implement is quite crucial as the essential crop growth and the land fertility is directly related to the primary tillage. In a single run of this tractor-mounted implement, it can easily pulverize a large land thereby saving precious time for the farmers. The ideal power source requirement of a tractor should be 50hp or more for a mouldboard plough to be mounted onto it. Mouldboard plough, being of extensive use to the farmers, is therefore available at our tractor company in Tanzania.